St Barnabas Episcopal Church

Our mission is
to know God and
to make God known.

Welcome to St Barnabas Episcopal Church
in Hartselle, Alabama.

St. Barnabas is the Episcopal presence in Hartselle, Alabama for those seeking to grow closer to God through worship, prayer, scripture, study and outreach.  Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM followed by a coffee hour and Sunday school.  If your schedule permits, please return to support our outreach ministries, mid-week Around the Table discussion group, monthly dinners, Episcopal Church Men’s group, Episcopal Church Women’s group, and dinner and movie night.

We welcome all persons to unite with God and one another in kindness and in love.

Join us in worship at 1450 Sparkman St. NW Hartselle, AL 35640-0614. We are located between Peck’s Funeral Home and the Hartselle High Football Stadium!

Worship With Us

We believe that, to quote our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.”  We try to reflect this in all we do in our worship, fellowship, study groups and outreach to those in need. Our services are easy to follow, inviting, and open to all. If you have questions, reach out to us. Our location is easy to find. We are situated between the Hartselle Football Stadium and Peck’s Funeral Home.

Sunday Worship

  • Worship/Holy Communion 10:00 AM CST
  • Coffee Hour /Sunday School 11:00 AM CST

About Us

St. Barnabas is a small congregation of people who are faithful in worship, prayer, study, outreach and fellowship.  Holy Communion is celebrated at every worship service and we strive to keep our baptismal promises to “serve Christ in all persons, love our neighbor as ourselves and to respect the dignity of every human being.”

St. Barnabas came to life in 1985.  Families were selected from St. John’s Church in Decatur to start our church. The initial service was held in a free room provided by a nearby motel and from there it began. Gatherings and donations began to set the table for Holy Communion, and so began the introduction of the Episcopal denomination to Hartselle. 

Compiled from, “Satan Couldn’t Stop Us”, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.

Our newest addition is our gated Memorial Garden. The garden serves as a ministry of care and outreach to remember loved ones who have passed away.

Our Rector

Father Dave Basinger


Find your ministry calling at St. Barnabas.
For ways to share your unique gifts and experiences, contact us.

  • Adult/Children’s Sunday School
  • Nursery
  • Bible/ Book Study
  • Keys for Cops
  • Taize
  • CCC Food and Clothing Pantry
  • Hands Across Decatur (HAD)
  • Ministers of the Service
  • Memorial Garden
  • ECM
  • ECW
  • Altar / Flower Garden
Contact Us

How Our Giving Helps the Church

Thank you for responding to His grace in your giving.  The contributions help St. Barnabas to maintain a budget and support our ministries.


See what’s going on around St Barnabas Episcopal Church

Around the Table – 2nd, 3rd, 4th 
Thurs – 6:30 PM CST

Dinner & a Movie – 1st Thurs 5:30 PM CST

Chef Ray Dinner – 3rd Tues 5:30 PM CST


Sunday School and Coffee Hour 

Our outreach program provides support to the Committee of Church Cooperation (CCC) and Hands Across Decatur (HAD).

Contact Us

Mailing Address

PO Box 614, Hartselle, Al. 35640

Contact Info
