Welcome to St Barnabas Episcopal Church
in Hartselle, Alabama.
About Us
St. Barnabas is a small congregation of people who are faithful in worship, prayer, study, outreach and fellowship. Holy Communion is celebrated at every worship service and we strive to keep our baptismal promises to “serve Christ in all persons, love our neighbor as ourselves and to respect the dignity of every human being.”
St. Barnabas came to life in 1985. Families were selected from St. John’s Church in Decatur to start our church. The initial service was held in a free room provided by a nearby motel and from there it began. Gatherings and donations began to set the table for Holy Communion, and so began the introduction of the Episcopal denomination to Hartselle.
Compiled from, “Satan Couldn’t Stop Us”, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.
Our newest addition is our gated Memorial Garden. The garden serves as a ministry of care and outreach to remember loved ones who have passed away.

Father Dave Basinger
How Our Giving Helps the Church
See what’s going on around St Barnabas Episcopal Church
Around the Table – 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Thurs – 6:30 PM CST
Dinner & a Movie – 1st Thurs 5:30 PM CST
Chef Ray Dinner – 3rd Tues 5:30 PM CST
Sunday School and Coffee Hour
Our outreach program provides support to the Committee of Church Cooperation (CCC) and Hands Across Decatur (HAD).
Contact Us
Mailing Address
PO Box 614, Hartselle, Al. 35640
Contact Info